Random Access ARCHIVE

Rob Latousek wrote the "Random Access" column in the fall and spring issues of The Classical Outlook from Fall 1989 through Spring 2008. The purpose of the column was to help teachers of the Classics inform themselves about the opportunities available to them in the way of computer-based tools with educational applications. The topic and coverage of each column is noted below. Use the search/find utility in your web browser (for this page only) to locate specific topics, titles, authors, or publishers. Clicking on the blue link will take you to the full article (without figure/images).

Subscriptions to The Classical Outlook are included with membership in the American Classical League. Individual issues can also be ordered from them. For more information, contact their office at Miami University, 422 Wells Mill Dr., Oxford OH 45056; phone: 513-529-7741; fax: 513-529-7742; e-mail: info@aclclassics.org; web: www.aclclassics.org.

Micheal Posey's Institute workshop on Apple's iLife and Web 2.0 applications; Latin podcasts from Latinum (Evan Millner); Anthony Hollingsworth and Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers release first Digital Scholia DVD on Cicero's First Catilinarian Oration; Artes Latinae 2.0 and The Horace Trail 2.0 released; farewell for the column.
ACL Tech Workshop-Tour planned for Rome in summer 2008; Institute workshops by Caltagirone, Gwynne, Andresian, McFadden, and St. Louis; Andrew Reinhard's new eClassics site on the Ning server for social networking and resource sharing; Ben McKenzie and Gatineau Software create online Latin course; Logos Software announces pre-pub offer on The Iliad in Greek and Translation
Centaur Systems' Latina 4.5 (Latin Flash Drill & Latin Vocab Drill); J-PROGS' Greek Gods; Latin Dictionaries for Palm Pilot; Cambridge University Press' Lectrix
CIRCE (Classics & ICT Resource Course for Europe) Manual published, distributed at Institute; 2006 pre-Institute workshop: Julian Morgan, "Seeing is Believing: Making the Most of Digital Images"; Multimodis Latina Ltd.'s Revise Latin: Verbs; Abram Ring's Lector Latinus; Altair 4 Multimedia's Com.Hera: Agrigento & Eraclea Minor

Logos Bible Software releases electronic/CD version of Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ), announces pre-publication offer for complete Oxford Latin Dictionary on CD; Transparent Language, Before You Know It (BYKI) for Latin; J-PROGS' Pompeii program & Pompeii Photo CD; CIRCE Manual launch in London; ACL committee calls for "successful scenario" case studies

2005 ACL Institute pre-Institute workshop: Micheal Posey, "Online Exercises & Quizzes"; European Latin Conference in Cambridge, England; Swiss & Danish software for Latin; Cambridge Online Latin Project (COLP) update; 20th anniversary edition of the ACL Software Directory for the Classics released
Latina 4.0: Latin Flash Drill, Latin Vocab Drill; J-PROGS' Hispania Photo CD; Sierra’s Empire Earth, Eidos Interactive's Praetorians, Sid Meier’s Civilization III, Microsoft’s Age of Mythology, Disney Interactive's Hades Challenge, Dreamcatcher Games' Timescape: Journey to Pompeii
2004 ACL Institute workshops: Julian Morgan, CIRCE; J-PROGS' Hellenika Photo CD, Roman Technology 4.0; Licia Landi, Didactic Laboratory in Classics at the SSIS Veneto, Italy; Ginnie Blasi, PowerPoint; Will Griffiths, Cambridge Online Latin Project (COLP); ACL Software Directory for the Classics update
EU's CIRCE Project; Cambridge University's CATR (Computer Assisted Text Reading) Project; Cambridge School Classics Project (CSCP) online, Electronic Pocket Oxford Latin (POL) Dictionary; Lector 2003, GreekKeys, Pandora 3
Survey of Audio-Visual Resources for Classics updated; CDAccess.com: Latin for Beginners (intro. short course), English-Latin Talking Dictionary, My First Amazing History Explorer (middle school level); Anotek: Read & Understand Latin (George Balanis)
TelaLatina initiative from O'Donnell/APA; Altair 4 Multimedia: Ancient Rome (3-D virtual reality reconstructions); J-PROGS: Romana 2.0 (Latin Alive 3.0, Roman Britain 2.0, Roman Gods 3.0, Roman Life 2.0); Software Partners: BlitzLatin (John White & William Whitaker), electronic translation; EuroTalk: Vocabulary Builder; Idiom Software: Grammar Tutor 2.0.
ACL Institute in Madison: Landi Teleconference, Morgan's Perseus workshop, Jahnige's PowerPoint workshops; PowerPoint resources; Clip-art/image collections: Dover Publications, J-PROGS, ArtToday.com, WebShots.com, Teacher Created Materials, ClassicsBoy, Dr. J's Illustrated Guide to the Ancient World, VRoma Image Archives, Curran's Maecenas; technology grant sources.
Films for the Humanities: Ancient Greeks, The Odyssey; Clearvue/eav: History through Art/Philosophy & Government, Empires of Heaven & Earth
Rome the Eternal City & Rome Photo CD (J-PROGS); Romans (Cambridge Educ./FHS); Pompeii Images, Arch of Constantine (L'Erma di Bretschneider); ACL Institute 2001
2001 Software Directory for the Classics; Queue's Voyage in Greece, Myths of Ancient Greece, Theseus; On the Akropolis: When Democracy Was Born; Sierra's Zeus, Dreamcatcher's Odyssey
2000 ACL Institute, VRoma; Gramma 4.0 (Greek Drills); Biblioteca Teubneriana Latina, Saur's Bibliographies of the World, Brepols' Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts, Cetedoc Index of Latin Forms; Loescher's Il CD-ROM del Castiglione Mariotti; A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography
Ancient Origins, Chad Kieffer's HTML Converter, Lectiones; Films for the Humanities: Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean, Classical Mythology, Great Myths of Greece & Rome; World Book: Ancient Greece and Romans
Oxford Conference on ICT and the Classics; Simulations Reborn: Civilization II, Caesar III; Ancient Origins, Ancient Civilizations; Free Downloadable Software: Nisus Writer, Barrette's Digital Latin Lexicon, Neuberg's Online Latin Dictionary, Teknia Language Tools (Greek), Robertson's Greek Accent Quiz, Alvares' Java Latin Drills
Oral Latin computer support; EuroTalk's Talk Now!--Latin and Learn Latin with Asterix; Transparent Language's Latin Now! 7.0, Latin GrammarPro, Vocabulary Master; Jeffrey Wills' "Bibliotheca Latina" web site; 1999 ACL Software Directory released
PowerPoint at ACL Institute; 1997 ACL Computer Use Survey results; Clearvue's Greek Mythology I & II and The Voyages of Ulysses & Aeneas; SVE's The Greek and Roman World; CAES sponsors new shareware Latin Font, GaramondLatin, created by David Perry and Rubicon Computer Lab of Canada; CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD formats
Latin Flash Drill & Latin Vocab Drill 2.0 released; new Latin version of The Rosetta Stone; Universal Translator; Microsoft Age of Empires; Compendium from Aurelium; Bruce Robertson's Java applets for Greek; Ross Scaife's Lexical Index and other resources; VRoma's Forum Romanum Web site
Software Display at ACL Institute; JPROGS Does Windows (Latin Alive 2.0 , Roman Life, Roman Gods 2.0, Roman Britain); Centaur programs on Greece: Parthenon, Olympia CD-ROM; SPQR murder mystery simulation CD-ROM; Liberation Philology, Greek (& Latin) with Computers, Hungry Frog (Greek & Latin); Vergil Project gets NEH grant
Perseus 2.0 released; Greek instructional software: Greek Tutor, Gramma, Electronic Workbook (for Mastronarde's Intro. to Attic Greek); VRoma and Roman Perseus get NEH funding
ACL on the Internet; Technology Task Force; Latin Night on AOL; Basic Latin Drills: Latinitas, Verbarium, Substantarium, Liberation Philology; Univ. of Penn. Museum CD-ROMs: Ancient Theater, Parthenon; Vergil Reference CD-ROM; Software Directory for the Classics on the Web
World Wide Web discussed; Electronic Resources for Classics (Pantelia) and Perseus Web sites; Mythology, Artes Latinae, Latin Through the Ages, Humanist Latin Dictionary; update on Wrath of the Gods
JPROGS' Aeneas Latinus, The Story of Aeneas, Olympic Games, Latin Alive; Microsoft Ancient Lands; shareware from Leo Curran (Roman Calendar, Natalis, Vinco Bingo); Gopher discussed
Update on Software Directory for the Classics; Athena, History Through Art: Greece/Rome, World History Illustrated: Greece/Rome, Rome, Iter Romanum; Nestor: Perseus support tools; FTP discussed; Lingua Latina, Scriba, JACT Reading Greek Stacks
Book review of Jon Solomon's Accessing Antiquity: The Computerization of Classical Studies (Tucson, AZ: Univ. of Arizona Press, 1993)
Exploring Ancient Cities, Wrath of the Gods, MacFlash; Computing and the Classics newsletter; Internet and e-mail discussed
Videodiscs discussed; Louvre & National Gallery (Voyager); updates on Perseus, de Italia, TLG, HyperMyth; MacArchitecture, MasterLatin, Denarius Avaricius, Caesar
CD-ROM discussed; TLG and PHI CD-ROM disks of Greek and Latin texts; text-search utilities; Pandora, Searcher, Pharos, LBase, Patrologia Latina, JPROGS' Roman Gods, Roman Technology, Theseus & the Minotaur, The Travels of Odysseus; Videotape Proposal; LATIN-L e-mail discussion group
Greek instructional programs; Perseus, Greek Tools, HyperGreek, Greek Practice, MacLang, Aristotle's Greek Tragedy Construction Kit, ScriptureFonts, Multilingual PC Guide; Update on Latin Skills; CLASSICS e-mail discussion group
ACL committee report; Survey of Computer Users and Non-users; SoftPC on Macintosh; Seven Activities for CLC Unit I, Roman Banquet; Updates on Transparent Language, Dasher, de Italia, Perseus; Crossword Creator
Brief book review of Paul Delany & George P. Landow's Hypermedia and Literary Studies (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990), including chapter on the Perseus Project by Greg Crane and Elli Mylonas and a chapter on " the electronic writing space" by classicist Jay David Bolter
Fonts and wordprocessors for Greek and Latin; GreekKeys, SuperGreek et al. (Linguist's Software), Lettrix, TurboFonts, FancyFont et al. (Softcraft), MultiLingual Scholar, Nota Bene, SuperFonts, Font Factory GS, MultiScribe, BeagleWrite; APA booklet: Wordprocessing for the Classicist
Hypertext, multimedia, and authoring systems discussed; Transparent Language, Tutrix, Perseus, Dasher, Prompt, HyperMyth, de Italia
Tutorial software discussed; Crown dissertation; Flex, FasText, EZ-Comp, Latina Nouns/Verbs; Paidagogos, reVERBerations; Macintosh LC with Apple IIe card; Text Encoding Initiative
Drill-and-practice discussed; Latin Conjugation Master; On-line coursepacks from Univ. of Mich. by FTP
Terms Defined (instructional, educational, drill-and-practice, tutorial, simulation); Simulations discussed; Annals of Rome, Escape from Pompeii, Saltus Teutoburgiensis
New ACL Committee; Compatibility Issues; Perseus, MacLang; APA Bulletin Board

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